7575 S. Hampton Road, Dallas, TX 75232-4121
Church Community Builder is a cloud-based church management solution. Here is what you can do in Church Community Builder Application:
• It allows church attenders and members to log in with their own private information to update their profile information (contact info, etc.) for the most up-to-date member/attender directory.
• You can search for other attenders and members' contact info when needed (24/7 from any computer), instead of having to call the church office.
• You can communicate quickly with individuals and groups you are part of via email through the system.
• You can view important church documents in the member's group.
• You can receive important news and prayer updates from the church and have the ability to quickly respond.
If you are a member of the church and do not have access, you can email the church for help at office@1stcmec.org.